Your Name Is Renée
Ruth Kapp Hartz story as a Hidden Child in Nazi-occupied France.
The book is written in the voice of the child who was forced to adopt the name Renée.
It is a poignant narrative showing the courage of the people of a village and of the Mother Superior who risk their lives to save Ruth (Renée) and her parents.
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Tu t'appelles Renée (Your Name Is Renée - French Version)
Ruth Kapp Hartz story as a Hidden Child in Nazi-occupied France.
The book is written in the voice of the child who was forced to adopt the name Renée.
It is a poignant narrative showing the courage of the people of a village and of the Mother Superior who risk their lives to save Ruth (Renée) and her parents.
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Your Name Is Renée - Study Guide
Study Guide to accompany the book, Your Name is Renée.
A 35 page comprehensive guide for Middle School, High School, University and general readers.
Included are activities, questions, references for books, poetry, music and Videos/DVDs
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A Legacy of Goodness
A Legacy of Goodness This unique DVD chronicles Ruths return to France in 1996 to meet with the heirs of the courageous French family who rescued Ruth and her parents during the years of Nazi Occupation of Vichy, France.
Their children and grandchildren, in an intimate interview, reveal their recollections and reactions to the heroism of their family.
This is an effective teaching adjunct to the book Your Name Is Renée.
30 minutes in length.
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Voices of Holocaust History: Ruth Tells Her Story
Ruth Kapp Hartz was a hidden child in Nazi occupied France in 1941.
She tells of being forced to conceal her Jewish identity and the loss of her childhood years.
Viewers learn of the kind villagers who risked their lives to save Ruths family until the escalation of Nazi persecution led to her placement in a convent for safekeeping.
Ruth is the subject of Stacy Cretzmeyers book Your Name is Renée (Study Guide available) and the French version Tu tappelles Renée.
Approximately 36 mins.
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Testimonial The story of Ruth is moving in its simplicity.
Through hopes, terrors, reunions and separations it is the story of a child who never forgot that she was Jewish.
It is the story of many hidden children who were saved from the Holocaust. --Beate Klarsfeld, Historian and Director of the Beate Klarsfeld Foundation